Animation Music Medley for 1 piano 4 hands > 실내악

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Animation Music Medley for 1 piano 4 hands > 실내악
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제목 : Animation Music Medley for 1 piano 4 hands
분류 : Piano
성부상세내용 : 1 piano 4 hands(2 players)
작곡가 : 이주혜 Joo Hye Lee
작곡연도: 2017
편곡연도: 2024
작품해설 If you want to purchase this work(Full score only) overseas, please contact us by e-mail.

[Animation Music Medley for 1 piano 4 hands' Themes]
1. The Pink Panther: Theme
2. Rachmaninoff-Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 18: 2nd mvt.
3. Pinocchio: When You Wish upon a Star
4. Schumann - Symphonic Etude Op. 13: Var. 2
5. The Little Mermaid: Part of Your World
6. The Little Mermaid: Under the Sea
7. Frozen: Let It Go
8. Frozen: Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
9. 하울의 움직이는 성: 인생의 회전목마
10. Chopin - Ballade No. 2 Op. 38
11. Beauty and the Beast
12. Beauty and the Beast: Be our guest
기본판매가 : 0원
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최소구매 수량은 가곡: 2부, 합창: 20부입니다. 판매단위는 가곡:1부, 합창: 10부입니다.
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Animation Music Medley for 1 piano 4 hands 32 659 00:11:30 50,000 1
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